Edmonton Moves Toward 90% Diversion With Help of 回转圆筒


艾伯塔省的埃德蒙顿市, Canada began its recycling efforts in 1986 with their first curbside recycling pilot program. 多年来, the program has increased so that today the Edmonton Waste Management Centre (EWMC) covers 550 acres.

The largest waste processing facility in North America, EWMC is a unique collection of advanced waste processing and research facilities that are helping Edmonton reach its goals of 90 percent diversion of municipal waste from the landfill. Included on the site are facilities for integrated processing and transfer of materials, 堆肥, 分类处理, 电子垃圾回收, 拆建回收, 灰纸回收, 以及世界上第一个废物转化为生物燃料的设施.

“在埃德蒙顿, we have the largest most advanced waste management center in North America,理查德·托马说, Senior Mechanical Engineer at Edmonton Waste Management Centre. “我们从大约一百万人那里收集城市生活垃圾. 我们分手, compost one fraction of it and we’re going to be making biofuels out of the other fraction.”


Collecting the municipal waste from over a million people, sorting it to the right processing centers and reaching 90 percent diversion is no easy task. In 2009, when the City of Edmonton closed the Clover Bar Landfill, they decided to replace it with the Integrated Processing and Transfer Facility. Instead of continuing to haul garbage straight to another landfill, this facility allows the city to divide garbage into three separate waste streams – 堆肥, 生物燃料生产和垃圾填埋.

In order to separate the waste material into these three groups, EWMC needed a complete processing facility that would allow them to manually and mechanically separate materials. One of the biggest challenges would be the initial dividing of trash material and opening of garbage bags.

Rotary Trommel Screens are commonly used in waste handling. By utilizing different size screen openings material can be sized and screened as it moves through the machine. Edmonton needed to find a reliable trommel to open garbage bags, while still accurately separating waste material.

“I don’t think people want a landfill anymore,托马说. “So when you don’t want a landfill you have to deal with the waste and process it. 你必须使用废物处理设备. Trommels are used for separating waste into different components and as we move away from landfilling, we’re going to need this type of equipment more and more.”


Edmonton needed not only accurate sizing and screening from its 回转圆筒, 同时也是打开垃圾袋的解决方案, 所以他们联系了菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 engineers were able to work with the team from the City of Edmonton to design two 120-ton Rotary Trommel Screens that included bag breaking spikes. These bag breakers tear open garbage bags and allow the material inside to combine with unpacked material and be separated by the different sizes of screens inside the Trommels.

“Our 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Trommels have two types of screens in them and bag breakers,” noted Toma. “The bag breakers, as the name implies, break up the bags. The two inch screens separate the organic material and that’s a really rich organic product that goes straight to the composter. The nine inch screens separate it again to two to nine inch fraction and that goes to another piece of separation, which sends a fraction to the composter and another fraction to biofuels.”


With the completion of the Integrated Processing and Transfer Facility, EWMC has been able to continue growing and expanding their operations as they move toward 90 percent diversion. 利用麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的扶轮槌, they have been able get better recovery on their 堆肥 materials and create the separations needed to send material to their Waste-to-Biofuels Facility.

“We process the MSW generated by about a million people here, and the heart of our system is our 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Trommels,托马说. “And what they do is they help us break up the waste and separate the organic component, 哪个是我们的堆肥机. The inorganic component is destined for our biofuels facility.”

Edmonton’s Waste-to-Biofuels Facility is the world’s first industrial scale waste-to-biofuels facility of its kind, turning household garbage into biofuels and biochemicals. Initially the facility will produce methanol, followed by ethanol.

Toma also noted that because processing municipal waste is not without its challenges, he appreciates the effort 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 makes to offer him continued service and support when it is needed.

“这些都是大型机器. They work fairly well, but MSW is very challenging material. 它总是在变化, and so whenever we’ve needed technical support from 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 they’ve been very responsive. They’ve come to our site, helped us out, answered all our questions,托马说.


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